Cecil Castellucci: “Cassandra Speaks”
I’d like to tell you something
I think your husband is ugly
I don’t say it in a mean way
I say it as an observer
And as someone who doesn’t like you
It’s not his fault
The bad skin
Or thin hair
But I assume he did have a voice when it came to the choosing of you
I know you played him
Poor guy
I’d like to warn him
It must bother you
That I can see plainly
that all the straw you weave
is still just straw
No matter how much of it you try to pass off as gold
I always point it out
To friends and strangers
How sad you are
With your made up face
And plastic smile
like a heartless doll
I try to remember that while I was actually wounded in the war
You just like to play at being killed
So what a disappointment
That when I finally met you
I saw your hat was made of felt, not silk
And you looked like anyone else
but still, you play the part beautifully
Cecil Castellucci is the author of books and graphic novels for young adults including Boy Proof, The Plain Janes, First Day on Earth, The Year of the Beasts, Odd Duck and the upcoming Tin Star. Her short stories have been published in Strange Horizons, YARN, Tor.com, Apex, Black Clock and various anthologies. She is the YA editor of the Los Angeles Review of Books and Children’s Correspondence Coordinator for The Rumpus.